Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Windows keyboard shortcuts

Getting to know Windows keyboard shortcuts not only will help you getting the work done faster, but also become more efficient. If you spend on Windows computer considerbale amount of time daily then this cheat sheet is a must-have for you. It contains 100+ Windows Keyboard Shortcuts. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Power of ...Control-Alt-Delete

Control-Alt-Delete (often abbreviated to Ctrl-Alt-Del, also known as the "three-finger salute") is a computer keyboard command on IBM PC compatible systems that can be used to reboot the computer, and summon the task manager or Windows Security in more recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system, which provides the option to end programs, view CPU and memory usage, and start new programs, in addition to rebooting, shutting down, or logging out of the computer.[6] This does not function on Mac OS.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How To Safely Clean Your Tablet Or Smartphone’s Touchscreen

Cleaning a smartphone touchscreen is simple. You don’t need a special cleaning kit or cleaning solution to safely clean your tablet or smartphone’s touchscreen – you can do it with materials you probably have on hand. However, you do need to know what to avoid – many common types of cloths and cleaning solutions can damage a touchscreen. 

Once you understand what to do and what not to do, you can safely clean a smartphone or tablet’s touchscreen in just a few seconds, removing the build-up of oil, dust, and other grime that can accumulate on these devices as we rub our fingers over them all day.

 What Not To Do

Before we go over a quick and easy method to safely clean your device’s touchscreen, let’s cover some things you should never do to clean a smartphone touchscreen:
  • NEVER use harsh chemicals, including Windex, anything with ammonia, or alcohol-based cleaners. If a liquid is necessary, you should only use a small amount of water on the cloth. You can also purchase special cleaning solutions, such as iKlenz, which is recommended by Apple, but these solutions are not necessary.
  • NEVER use abrasive cloths, paper towels, or tissue paper, which can scratch the touchscreen. The scratches will be small and build up over time, damaging and dulling the screen. Instead, use microfiber cloths, which are specially designed to clean sensitive surfaces.
  • NEVER use a large amount of water. If water is necessary to clean the screen, you should make your microfiber cloth slightly damp instead of putting the water directly on your screen. If any water at all is necessary, it’s also a good idea to power off your device ahead of time.
  • NEVER press too hard while cleaning the screen. This can damage your device.